I Am A Child of Nature Returning Home to the Great Mother Gaia

It was at a recent Earth Day lecture given by a local metaphysical teacher at the New Hope Metaphysical Society in April of 2016 that I heard those words – “We are Nature and Nature is Us!”  Her words and insights from that lecture reverberated in my head.  For, in the very beginning of her presentation, she stated that Humanity is not separate from Nature, that Man and Woman are, in fact, a part of nature, as are all other creatures on Earth.  That, we are, in fact,  an expression of Nature her/him/ itself!
She went on to say that, unfortunately, humanity has become disassociated from Nature, seeing itself separate from the natural world, from its natural surroundings and from the cycles of nature.  And how we are like an errant child who leaves home, (in this case, home being Nature) – angry, rebellious, disassociated and recriminatory.  And as such, we want to oppress, dominate and control Nature instead of loving and allowing Nature to be. So, humanity is behaving like that errant child who has left its family of origin and who (seemingly)hates its family of origin.
And even though the child has behaved badly toward the family, it secretly longs to return to its comfort, security and trust.  And even though the child has behaved badly toward the family, the family still grieves and longs for the child’s return. Similarly, Nature grieves for mankind’s having taken leave from Nature and Nature’s family. And unconsciously, humanity longs to return to its natural family, as well. It longs to reconnect to nature in a deep way, in a profound way and in a healthy way.
In very general terms, we all need to remember our deep and profound connection to Nature and to honor, develop and nurture this connection to return to the circle of Nature and engender its trust, comfort and security once again. To be that child again who wants to return home to its mother.
I truly feel that I am a child of Nature and the natural world is my true home. I truly feel more comfortable in a park or forest than in a high rise building or apartment house.  And, I feel that I never really left home (Nature) but in fact have returned to it time and time again.  For, throughout my life, I have always sought refuge in nature, initially to escape from the hustle and bustle of our man-made world.
For the natural world seemed to have its own rhythm and cycles which were more comfortable for me to experience. There seemed to be an almost timeless quality to the natural environments I would find myself in and participated with.  And often, I would feel rejuvenated and re-energized by just being in a beautiful natural place, be it a forest, or meadow or beach. The air felt cleaner, the colors felt brighter, the energy of the wind and sun were always exhilarating.  These places have always served me and supported me. And it seems that my soul’s needs are deeply met when I connect to nature and, in general,  to  Mother Earth.
So, what I am offering at my website- “This Sacred Earth”  are contemplative essays, short stories and poetry, as attempts to describe the experiences I have had in nature  that feel very emotionally, physically and even spiritually uplifting; that feel nurturing and confirming.    I want to describe and explain to the audience what seem to be very profound and meaningful experiences that I have only within the confines of nature. I believe in doing so, I help you remember, as well as myself, our deep and profound connection to Nature and honor, develop and nurture this connection through these writings.
In describing these experiences, I believe I am also a “way shower”, one who shows others how Nature serves as a place of comfort, safety and inspiration.   That it is, in fact, a portal to other worlds that coexist with this one. The world of natural form, the world of beauty, the world of transcendence, a world of peace and joy.  So, in my stories, I attempt to enter these worlds by first describing my feelings and sensations and then by free -associating to other times and places which seem to connect to my immediate environment.  And for those who have studied metaphysics and spirituality, nature contains many forms of consciousness – seen and unseen.  The unseen world of nature involves the world of nature spirits, elementals and devas. So, in my attempts to connect to nature, through meditation, contemplation and inspired messages, I have discovered these other worlds for myself.
As I mentioned earlier, Nature is our true home.  Though, we may be here for just a little time, we still need to recognize that the natural world is literally where everything in our life comes from.  So, in a way, my stories and contemplations about Nature and my connections to it are a (written) form of honoring Nature as our true support, our true home, our true Mother. For Mother Nature continually supports and nourishes us throughout our entire life . So, please explore my blog and the stories I have written , for I hope that they will inspire you and enrich your sense of life’s possibilities in connecting to the natural world.  For the natural world truly desires a connection with you if you would but just take the time to remember that connection and to make an effort to connect.  So that  you and Nature, you and Mother Earth and, ultimately,   you and all of Creation will be at one; will be “at-one-ment” and unified with each other, which is a truly a blessed and gracious place to be.

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